Fragments | An exhibition 
In the world of architecture, the word ‘power’ can be synonymous to a lot of things; sometimes it’s a space and sometimes a person and some other times it can be just the mind. Since no two minds are ever the same, people perceive any given space, or a piece of art uniquely. When you think of powerful minds, one name to enter the scene is Giovanni`` Battista Piranesi with his fictitious ‘prisons’ (Le Carceri d'Invenzione). The sixteen unique sketches said to represent “negation of time, incoherence of space, suggested levitation, intoxication of the impossible reconciled or transcended”.
The theme for the installation was inspired from this representation of a space. There is nothing greater than the power of imagination which is proven time and again how important it is in design. In a space that is dark and blurring the sense of sight, the mind cannot help but magnify the other senses in the human body. The experience cannot be put to words, creating the quality of a dream. The series of fragmented geometric shapes are represented in co-ordination with the lighting and the mirrored surfaces in an all-black space or rather representing the infinite void in a mind that can be filled with imagination.